Hauser's Health Happenings

Saturday, July 08, 2006

What happens on your day off

Saturday July 8

Today was my day off and I decided to go to the local spa for a refreshing swim in their salt water pool. Many of the Mercy Ship staff go there on their day off as it is only 3 miles away and they serve American style food. I've never been there before so I needed to orient myself to the surroundings. I asked another nurse who I was traveling with where the changing rooms are. They are not labeled, but she told me that the one on the right is the Ladies changing room. I go inside to put on my bathing suit and as I'm standing there completely naked, a Ghanaian man walks into the room. He sees me becomes embarrassed and quickly leaves the room. I hear him complaining outside to the person in charge why they don't have signs indicating which area is for women and which area is for men. I guess you are just suppose to know. Later, when I'm fully dressed, he approached me and apologizes for the unfortunate incident. I told him that it was ok and no hard feelings. We said our goodbyes but I don't think we will look at each other the same way again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've thought a lot about this posting & why the doors aren't labeled. Are you sure that the rooms aren't coed?
Or could YOU be in the wrong room!"! ;-O

5:45 PM  

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