Hauser's Health Happenings

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Third Class Dungeon

The nurses call their rooms by different names... the cave, the hole, the dungeon. Mercy Ships has put all the nurses in one location, at the very bottom and towards the front of the ship. All rooms have six beds, dormitory style and the toilets/showers are upstairs. Fortunately, I only have one other roommate, an American named Shannon. The two of us want to keep it that way as our 10 X 15 foot room can get crowded with 6 people living in it. Already, we have completely occupied our room with our stuff. Some of the nurses have been able to get a free upgrade to a first class cabin. But as long as we don't get another roommate, I'm happy where I am at. As you can see, I prefer the top bunk. Some of you may already know the reason why.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great digs, Debbie! And I know why you like the top bunk!
And my sympathies to you regarding the passing of your Brother Paul in LA.
Love, Ruth

10:31 PM  

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