Hauser's Health Happenings

Monday, July 31, 2006

Nancy's Miracle

Today the OR supervisor came to me and said that we would have to stay late because the surgeon was going to do surgery tonight after dinner. That was fine with me. I'm getting used to working 12 hour days in the Recovery Room. When I heard a screaming child, I looked over and saw a 3 year old girl named Nancy who had her left eyeball protruding outward. It wasn't even in the eye socket. How sad, it must be from a retinal tumor I thought. An hour later, when I received the patient in the recovery room I got the full story. Nancy is from the Ivory Coast, the next country to the west of Ghana. The family had heard about Mercy Ships from a missionary living in the Ivory Coast. After traveling for two days, the mom showed up at dockside this afternoon hoping for some miracle to help her little girl. Our surgery schedule is booked up until November so the only way we could operate was to do it tonight. When I brought the mother into the recovery room to hold her child after surgery she was most grateful. An eye shield had been placed over Nancy's eye. The protruding eye had to be removed and a prosthetic eye was put in its place. Nancy will once again look normal and the miracle that the mother was hoping for came true today.


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