Hauser's Health Happenings

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Hospital life

It's kind of weird sleeping, working and eating all in the same place. After I get up in the morning, all I have to do is walk 100 feet and I'm at work. When it's meal time, I walk up a flight of stairs and eat. There are some days that I don't even go outside. In the ward, we start the morning off with prayer. We pray for those who are ill and for the doctors and nurses. We then make our rounds and do our nursing duties. In the afternoon, we take those patients who are able outside on deck. They really enjoy the fresh air as we bring out the congo drums to sing and dance. We also show videos on the TV. I discovered today that the Africans don't like to watch cartoons. They have never seen cartoons before and can't relate to them at all. The photo is of me in the hospital ward before the patients arrived. The beds don't look this neat anymore.


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